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Privacy Statement

We will ensure that User’s ("you" or "User") personal data is treated appropriately and with respect for the User’s privacy. This Privacy Statement provides more information about how we collect and process your personal data.

Compiled on 1.9.2023 (last modification on 22.5.2024). Movafit reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement.


Data controller: Movafit Oy (Finnish business identity number 3101933-7)

Contact person: Timo Simolin

Customer support is available on Movafit website:

If you have concerns about our Privacy Statement, please contact us at

Processing of Personal Data

Basis for processing

We always process your personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently. We only collect and process information about you where we have a legal basis to do so.


We collect and use your data, if: 

  • you have given us permission to use the data for a specific purpose; 

  • it is necessary for the fulfillment of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take certain actions at your request before the conclusion of the contract;

  • it fulfills a legitimate interest (which is not overridden by your data protection interests), such as the detection of abuse, statistical and research work, or the protection of our legitimate rights or interests; or

  • it is necessary for compliance with legal obligations.


Collecting personal data 


We collect data from individuals, companies, or their representatives themselves. Where necessary, we may also collect the necessary data from registers maintained by public authorities.

Processing Personal Data and Purposes

Essential data for the exercise of the activity


We process data that is relevant and necessary for the operation of our business and the management of our customer relationships. This includes information relating to customer, co-operation, commissioning and contractual relationships, as well as information relating to the provision, management and development of activities and the App, such as information necessary for customer service or customer communication. This may include, for example, information about you or entered by you, information about your user profile, or payment and billing information. We collect billing, payment method and other purchase-related information for the purposes of fulfilling the contract and providing customer service.


You may be able to connect with another user, create a team (group of users), join a team created by another user, connect with your own coach or, as a coach, connect with your own client ("Contact"). You are responsible for creating a Contact and for maintaining the Contact. The Contact may see personal information about you and may be able to identify you in the App.


We process data about Users, stakeholders, and partners, as well as information we need to carry out any training, events, or projects. The data processed may also include information about persons who have contacted us or about our potential partners, customers, or stakeholders, and their employees or other representatives. We also process personal data for the purposes of implementing the rights and obligations of the parties.


The data processed relates to the contact, identification or background information of the aforementioned parties or their representatives. Data may also be collected on joint activities, depending on their form. This may include, for example, name, position, organization, billing information, contact information, order information, identification information, or other information related to the performance of an assignment or contract.

Marketing and customer communications 


We process Users' and potential customers' data for sales and marketing purposes and to inform and communicate about our activities. For example, data may be processed for the purpose of sending newsletters, invitations, opinion or market research, sending customer feedback, or making and sending other surveys. Data may also be processed for the purposes of participating in or running a campaign, and providing personalized content, features, and targeted advertising. The data collected may include, for example, name, contact details, or other identifying information.

When the User subscribes to the Movafit newsletter or registers for the App, the User consents to receive marketing communications from Movafit. Some of the marketing material may be targeted, for example, geographically or to a specific group of users.

App information and user tracking 


We process information related to your use of the App, including technical information. Such information may include, but is not limited to, times of use on the App, how the features of the App are used, content created and received by the User, content shared and published by the User, App content viewed or downloaded by the User, exercise results of the User, exercise materials of the User, User’s interactions with users of the App or third parties, location info entered by the User, information about the User's device, and other technical information provided to us by the User's device or otherwise obtained through or in connection with the App. We need the aforementioned data to ensure the operation of the App, for development, maintenance, communication, and marketing, and to investigate possible misuse. Information related to the use of the App is not used for User tracking or identification.

Website cookies


Movafit website processes cookies. We process cookies and website visitor data to develop our business and ensure the functionality of the website. The information collected may include the pages visited, the duration of the visit and where the user came from. The cookies we process do not contain any personal data.

The more detailed cookie policy for the Movafit website ("Cookie Policy") is part of this Privacy Statement and is available on the Movafit website (

Specific categories of personal data and sensitive data 


The use and utilization of the App or any feature thereof requires that the User enters User’s biometric and/or health data into the App. By accepting this Privacy Statement and entering such information into the App, the User understands and consents to our collection and processing of the User's biometric and health information. Such information may include the User's body measurements, blood pressure, body composition, lifestyle, exercise habits, and personal assessments of well-being. We need this information to provide the features of the App and a personalized user experience (for example, calculations based on the User's height and weight). The User can choose the extent to which the App is used and what information is entered into the App. Any biometric data entered by the User will not be processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying the User.


You may be able to disclose or share personal data (including biometric and health data) to third parties or to third-party systems or services. The App also allows you to disclose or share personal data (including biometric and health data) to another user of the App. Any such transfer or sharing of personal data is always at your own risk, and we are not responsible for the personal data transferred elsewhere or for the accuracy of the personal data transferred.

We may process some of your personal data (including biometric and health data) for research and development purposes to improve the App, but in such cases, your personal data will always be processed in a fully anonymized form, and the data processed will not contain any personal identifiers.

Other information


We process information about job applicants and employees for the purposes of recruitment decisions and to fulfill our duties as an employer.


The data processed may also include data that the data subject has provided voluntarily, for example through a contact request or other means of communication. 


The information may also be used to provide, maintain or ensure the quality of the App or our services, and to enable business planning and development.


Our App may contain links to third-party websites and other third-party services that have their own privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or terms of third parties.

We may allow access to or transfer your personal data to third parties who process personal data on our behalf or act as our subcontractors, collaborators, or partners (for example, an App Store, payment service provider, email service provider, technical support, or outsourced customer service or marketing service provider).  However, these third parties may only use the User's personal data for the purpose for which the personal data was collected, and the services of these third parties are subject to confidentiality.

Data Retention

We keep the data for the necessary period (for example, for the duration of the customer relationship) and for 3 months thereafter. After the retention period has expired, the data will be deleted within two weeks. We reserve the right to inform you separately of a shorter or longer retention period.


The collection, processing and disclosure of personal data always involves risks, and no system or technology is completely secure or protected against unauthorized access. However, we always exercise due care in storing and processing data, and safeguard data security through firewalls, passwords, and various generally accepted technical methods. Manually maintained records are stored in locked premises, where access is denied to unauthorized persons. Storage and processing of data is done through recognized secure service providers. Data is protected by strictly limited access rights and processed only for the purpose for which it was collected. All personal data is treated in confidence. We may make backups of our database, which may prevent the loss or corruption of the User's personal data as a result of unintentional action or misuse.


As a general rule, we do not disclose or transfer information to third parties unless you have given your explicit consent. Exceptions may be made for legal or regulatory obligations, the legality of which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. An exception may also be the disclosure of data based on a contractual relationship with a service provider or subcontractor who may process the data in order to provide a service. In these cases, the proper and lawful processing of personal data is ensured through contracts and, where appropriate, confidentiality agreements.


We do not use personal data for profiling or automated decision-making.

We operate globally, and there may be Users of the App in different countries, which means that Movafit may transfer the User's personal data outside the User's home country and process personal data outside the User's home country. The User's personal data may also be processed in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) where the level of data protection may not be sufficient according to the European Commission. In the event that the User's personal data is transferred, we will comply with applicable laws to ensure that the User's personal data is adequately protected. Personal data will only be transferred for the purpose of providing the App.

Your Rights

You have the right to be informed about the processing of your personal data and to have access to your personal data.


You have access to your personal data in the App. Movafit can also assist you and provide you with a copy of your personal data. You have the right to know whether we are processing personal data about you and to receive a copy of that data, unless we have a legal reason for refusing to provide it. You also have the right to know how and for what purposes we process your personal data.

You have the right to rectification and erasure of your personal data. 


You have the possibility to correct or delete your personal data yourself. You also have the right to request that we correct, without undue delay, inaccurate or incorrect personal data concerning you. You have the right to request the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay. However, we will not be able to delete personal data that is necessary to comply with binding legal obligations or that must be retained under applicable law. Please note that we cannot recover deleted personal data. Deletion of personal data may mean that we can no longer provide the App to you.

You have the right to restriction of processing and the right to object to the processing of your personal data.


You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data and to object to the processing and profiling operations that are carried out in relation to you. You have the right to object where your personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes or where the processing is based on legitimate interests. In this case, the situation must be specified in the objection request, which we can only refuse to comply with on the grounds provided for by law. You also always have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data where the use was based on consent. However, such withdrawal does not affect the prior processing of the data or its lawfulness.

You have the right to transfer your personal data to another controller.


You have the right to receive personal data concerning you in machine-readable form and the right to transfer this data to another controller, provided that this processing is carried out automatically and is technically feasible. However, please note that we cannot guarantee that the third-party system will be able to process the personal data in the transferred format.

You also have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority if you feel that we have failed to comply with data protection law.

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