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Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy applies to Movafit website and is part of Movafit´s Privacy Statement, that describes more fully the processing of personal data related to Movafit App and Services. Our Privacy Policy is available on the Movafit website (


In case you have concerns about our Cookies Policy, please read our Privacy Statement and contact our customer support as set out in the Privacy Statement.


Compiled on 1.9.2023 (last modification on 1.9.2023). Movafit reserves the right to modify this Cookies Policy.


Cookies are small text files located in browser directories. Cookies are used to help visitors navigate websites efficiently and perform certain functions. Movafit website uses cookies to provide a great experience for visitors and to ensure our website is secure and safe to use.


Movafit mainly uses session cookies, also called as first party cookies. Movafit has no control over the cookie activities of possible third parties. Relevant third parties are responsible for their own cookies policy and overall their own data processing. If you want to accept only our cookies, but not third-party cookies, you can typically choose to block third-party cookies in your browser settings.


You can typically change your browser settings to disable cookies or to prevent certain cookies from being stored on your device. The browser settings of your device should contain information on how to manage your browser's cookie settings.


Listed below are cookies which are used, or may be used on our website. The cookies our website uses contain no personal data, and Movafit is not collecting or processing personal data through cookies.

1. Necessary cookies 


We use necessary cookies to ensure the functionality of our website, e.g. its security. Necessary cookies cannot be switched off.

2. Marketing cookies 


These typically third-party cookies are used to display ads that could be more relevant to you. Third-party cookies are generated and placed on your device by a different website other than the one you are visiting. Third parties may share their advertising cookies with multiple websites and may allow us and/or third parties to identify those visited pages. We may use marketing cookies to track the efficiency of our marketing activities.

3. Functional cookies


We may use functionality cookies which make it possible to operate a website in accordance with choices made by the visitor, e,g, language preferences. Functionality cookies make it possible to ensure a more personalized experience on the website, and remove the necessity to e.g. provide the same preference information repeatedly while visiting the website.

4. Analytical cookies 


We may use analytical cookies which enable us to collect anonymised data for statistical purposes on how visitors use our website and to detect any errors in the website’s functionality. Such cookies are used to help us to improve the user experience, by e.g. understanding which sites are performing well.

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